How to measure a room for tiling

How to measure a room for tiling

Posted on Date 20th Dec 2023

How to measure a room for tiling

If youre thinking of tiling at home, then before you do anything you will need to work out how many square metres of tiles you are going to need for either your floors or walls.

The good news is that measuring a room isnt particularly difficult thing to do yourself. Plus, help is at hand in the form of our Tile Calculator, which will do all the maths for you once youve measured your chosen room.

Tools needed to measure a room

  • Tape measure
  • Pen and Paper (or the Notes on your phone if not available)
  • Although technically not a tool, a spare pair of hands (to hold the other end of the tape measure!)

The basic method for calculating the total area of a floor or walls is the same. There are a few nuisances that you will need to be aware of, but well flag those up to you later.

How to measure a wall

Its always best to work either in centimetres (cm) or millimetres (mm) when measuring a wall. The easiest way to do is draw out the wall (or walls) you are planning to tile in your chosen room and then measure the width and the height of the wall you want to tile and multiple them by each other.

For example:

  • Length = 500cm
  • Height = 300cm
  • 500cm x 300cm = 150000 cm2

You then just need to convert this into metre squared by dividing this figure by 10,000.

  • 150,000cm2 10,000 = 15m2.

How to measure a wall with a window

However, you may need to factor into these calculations any windows or doors that are included in this space.

For example:

  • Window Height = 120cm
  • Window Width = 120cm
  • 120cm x 120cm = 14,400cm2

You then just need to divide this figure by 10,000

  • 14,400cm2 10,000 = 1.4m2.

All thats left to do then is factor this into the overall dimensions

  • 15m2 1.4m2 = 13.6m2.

How to measure a floor

Just like walls, its always easiest to measure a floor either in centimetres (cm) or millimetres (mm). The easiest way again to do is draw out the floor you are planning to tile and then measure the length and then the width of your floor and multiple them by each other accounting for things such as a bath, walk in shower etc in the process.

For example:

  • Length = 400cm
  • Width = 300cm
  • 400cm x 300cm = 120000 cm2

You then just need to convert this into metre squared by dividing this figure by 10,000.

  • 120,000cm2 10,000 = 12m2.

How to measure a floor with a bath or shower

However, just like the walls, you may need to factor into these figures, for instance, a bath if you are planning on tiling a bathroom floor.  

For example:

  • Bath Length = 170cm
  • Bath Width = 70cm
  • 170cm x 70cm = 11,900cm2

You then just need to divide this figure by 10,000

  • 11,9000cm2 10,000 = 1.19m2.

All thats left to do then is factor in the dimensions into the overall floor space.

  • 12m2 1.19m2 = 10.81m2.

If you dont fancy doing the maths yourself, and we dont blame you, then try our free Tile Calculator app. The Tile Calculator has been specifically designed to help you work out just how many tiles youll need for your tiling project. It also allows you to factor in 10% extra into your calculations for wastage as well as accidental damage.

Watch our video

Tile Warehouse has teamed up with YouTuber Proper DIY to show you the best way to work out how many tiles youll need to tile a room at home.

Need more information?

If you have any questions regarding tiles, then feel free to contact our Customer Services team using our web chat facility. They will be more than happy to help.

Further reading

If you would like to find out more about tiling in your home, then why not check out these related advice articles:

How to remove old tiles

How to set out new tiles